Saturday 3 October 2009

sprouts are easy!

I always knew sprouts were good for you but I never knew HOW good they were for you until I started researching nutrition after being diagoised with cancer. They are truly a superfood as they say. Way easy to do as well and I really like the taste of them. I add them to my salads or veggie wholemeal pita sandwiches. You can sprout so many things that i am trying to sprout most things in my cupboard right now! Lentils are really good as well as mung beans and wheat berries. Sunflower seeds are great too. Had no idea you could sprout them!

First off you need to give them a wash and then soak them in a jar with filtered water. Keep them out of direct sunlight. Rise them twice in a 24 hours period.

Day two empty out the water, give them a rinse and then put them back in the jar wet but with out water. I would rinse them a few times a day for the next 3 days.

When they start to get sprouts growing and you see some green put them in direct sun for the day.

Test them now and again and see how soft they are and when you are happy with the texture put them in the fridge to stop them growing. You can keep them for like a week or so.

Lentils take about 4-6 days to be nice and mung seems to soften quicker. You just need to try it out and experiment.

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